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Serving Virginia with Pool Open & Close Packages

Homeowners with pools in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC want to enjoy the water during the warmer months, and Millennium Pools & Spas helps them from the season’s beginning to its end. Our pool open and close packages are available to get your pool ready at the start and cover it when the colder air moves back in. We specialize in the particular tasks of pool opening and closing services. A pool opening service in the spring means you don’t worry about the hassles of uncovering and preparing your pool, and our closing service ensures your pool is protected for the winter.

Pool Open & Close Packages in Maryland

Open Your Pool for the Season

Getting your pool ready for the season involves more than pulling off the cover and jumping in. Millennium Pools & Spas’ pool opening service prepares your pool for the warm months of swimming. Our rates start at $450 for pool openings. Please contact us for a custom quote for your pool. If you’d like to purchase our open and close package, the package pricing starts at $850.

A Summary of What’s Included in Pool Opening Service:

  • Remove, fold, and store your pool cover
  • Remove winterizing plugs
  • Add chemicals (included without an extra fee)
  • Visually inspect your heater, filter, and pump for proper operation
  • Install equipment, including strainer baskets and drain plugs
  • Prime and start your pool’s filter pump
  • Check for adequate flow in the water circulation
  • Clean for 30 minutes and vacuum your pool
  • Install diving board, handrails, and ladders

End the Season with Our Closing Services

Closing your pool for the season requires professional care to ensure it’s safeguarded over the winter. Millennium Pools & Spas offers our closing services starting at $415. Please contact us for a custom quote for your pool closing. An in-floor cleaning system like Caretaker is an additional $50.00. Our pool closing service includes:

  • Water test
  • Add chemicals at no additional charge
  • Install winterizing plugs
  • Adjust your water level
  • Blow out the lines
  • Remove wall fittings, cleaners, and skimmer baskets
  • Drain all your heating, chlorinating, pumping, and filtering equipment
  • Store handrails and ladders
  • Cover your pool
Enjoy Warm Swimming Season in Springfield, VA

Enjoy the Warm Months in the Water

Millennium Pools & Spas looks forward to helping you enjoy your swimming pool throughout the season. Please note that customers are responsible for a collection of things during opening and closing. For opening service, you must have the power and water turned on, remove all leaves and water from your pool cover, bring your pool water to an acceptable level, and double-check that all your equipment is available at your location. For closing service, we ask that you make sure the power and water for your pool are turned on. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, or send us a message online. We look forward to serving you!

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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