Residential Pool Leak Detection & Repair in Virginia, DC and Maryland
Pool Leak Detection
Millennium Pools & Spas’ highly experienced repair department specializes in swimming pool leak detection services. With an enviable record of finding leaks, the company is widely regarded as the best in the area. In fact, on numerous occasions, our professionals have been called in after other companies have failed to find a leak, only to succeed in finding the leak in the first of our multiple of visits, and sometimes to succeed in finding multiple leaks missed by others. We offer comprehensive leak detection that includes complete equipment evaluation, and pressure testing of all plumbing lines that can be accessed. Scuba diving if needed to test the Light conduit, tile line, and other parts of the structure of the pool deck to check for all possible leaks.

Sonar Listening Devices
A specialized tool that resembles a metal detector you might see someone using at the beach, these devices use sonar technology, just like U.S. Navy submarines, to detect levels of movement with water. Using a commercial grade sonar listening device is important in providing truly professional, accurate, and comprehensive leak detection.
Dive Dye Tests
We dive in the pool and use dye to detect leaks. This may sound simple enough, but is a process that benefits significantly from training and experience.
Pressure Testing
Plumbing lines are generally pressure tested for 30 minutes at approximately 20 pounds per square inch. This part of the process is useful to locate where in a plumbing system a leak may be occurring. This is a very important step that many other companies skip over.
Minor Repairs Included
For the (regretfully rare) situations where a small patch, in certain areas such as a light niche or around a pipe where it enters the pool, can resolve the leak, we will do so at no additional charge. Note that most other companies use a material that tends not to hold, making these leaks more likely to reappear. Where additional repairs are needed, or where additional leak pinpointing service beyond the walls of the pool are needed to further assess the situation, we will provide an estimate to perform necessary repairs or for further assessment.
Static Test
This test measures the level of evaporation versus water loss through varied series of system runs to further assist is identifying leak location(s).
Fixing Leaks Once We Find Them
Once we have found a leak, we are well qualified to fix it, a claim that can’t be shared by many that profess to be able to find leaks. Whether the repair is a simple patch, a skimmer replacement, a line replacement, or something else, our highly trained, licensed, and insured professionals are highly qualified to repair your pool correctly the first time.
To discuss our leak detection services, including costs and methodologies, or to discuss whether your symptoms actually indicate a likely leak, call us today!
Tools That We Use
Takes leak detection to a new level with advanced electronic amplification and filtering. A touchpad control panel along with an easy to read digital display helps seal out moisture and enables Millennium Pools & Spas to be proficient at leak detection. The advanced microprocessor enables enhancement of the weakest sounds like those in non-metallic pipes or those in sound muffling conditions. The XLT-30 is also designed to reject most loud interfering noises like wind, motors, and traffic.
Utilizes proven technology to find vinyl liner leaks fast without dye, without draining the pool and without getting into the water. The LeakTrac 2200 eliminates the frustrating, expensive and time consuming task of visually inspecting every inch of a liner. While standing on the deck the operator is able to first establish a leaks general area, then pinpoint even the smallest leaks in minutes. This technology is effective in any water containing vessel with an electrically insulating shell, (vinyl, fiberglass, acrylic, etc.)
This completely filtered, oil-less compressor operated dive unit allows us to breathe underwater without the problems and expenses of cumbersome tanks. No need to worry about refilling tanks before a job, or scratching or denting the pool when getting in.
Helium Detector is a sensitive, lightweight, hand held instrument designed to easily and quickly pinpoint the smallest leaks in a plumbing system pressurized with a gas, such as Helium or Carbon Dioxide.
LS50 Helium Detector, Anderson’s Pressure Tester, Assorted Anderson Test Plugs, Single Stage Regulator, Gas Cylinder – filled with a gas, such as Helium or Carbon Dioxide, that has a thermal conductivity different from air.
Request an Estimate
Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.