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Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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Professional Residential & Commercial Pool Services

At Millennium Pools & Spas, we have over 30 years of expert experience to provide you with the very best for your pool. Our Washington, DC location is one of many across the nation dedicated to helping residential and commercial pool owners make the most of their pools. We provide pool maintenance, repair, renovations, and more.

Our showrooms are staffed by seasoned pool professionals who are always here to help you with whatever issues you may be experiencing with your pool. We pride ourselves on providing 100% customer satisfaction in every service. There is a wide range of pool repair and care services required to enjoy your pool. We help you achieve these goals, allowing you to enjoy your clean, healthy, and luxurious pool for years. Routine maintenance and cleanings are always preferred, but we understand that accidents can happen. When something does break or isn’t operating optimally, we’re here for you.

Dedicated Pool Experts

Every pool is unique and requires a unique approach to installing systems, conducting repairs, cleanings, maintenance, and more. We also understand that every pool owner has invested significantly in their little slice of paradise. We continue that professionalism in taking care of your investment, providing you with expert care to keep your pool looking and operating great. We’re committed to helping you protect your investment and provide you with the resources and expertise you need to maintain a healthy, safe, and gorgeous pool environment. Every customer deserves peace of mind knowing that their pool is running perfectly and taken care of by the experts at Millennium Pools & Spas. We go the extra mile to make sure your needs are met, and your expectations are exceeded. Pools add long-term value to your property. We’ll help you keep that value.

Years of Experience

Since 2006, we’ve been the trusted name throughout Washington for your pool services. We’re committed to our clients, no matter the size or extravagance of their pool. We treat all our customers with dedication, passion, and respect to protect their investments and take care of their pool environments. Our promise is to be the best provider of residential and commercial pool services, repairs, renovations, and more.

Our team works hard around the clock to meet deadlines and provide you with quick turnaround times on repairs. We understand that nobody wants to sit around and wait for their pool to be operational again. We carry all necessary tools on our repair vehicles, making service calls fast and efficient. We have earned an Honor Roll Rating on Angie’s List.

Our Services:

Our team of professionals takes care in all our work. We provide Washington, DC residents with top-tier pool services. Our services include: