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We’re Stafford, VA’s Premier Pool Services Provider

If you own a pool in Stafford, VA, you deserve to have a reliable commercial and residential pool services provider at your beck and call. Millennium Pools & Spas is the area’s leading choice, with expert swimming pool contractors ready to handle all your repair, maintenance, and renovation needs. We’ve honed our skills over several decades in the industry. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and brings an unmatched level of expertise to every project. That’s why we’ve become the preferred pool services specialists for homeowners and business owners alike.

Our Residential Pool Services Will Perfect Your Pool

Owning a pool can be one of the greatest joys for homeowners. It’s a place where your family can spend quality time together and a perfect setting for summer parties. However, maintaining a pool requires plenty of work. Don’t try to do it alone. Let Millennium Pools & Spas help. We’re a staple in the Stafford community thanks to our comprehensive residential pool services, which include:

Pool Renovation Service in Maryland
  • Maintenance and Cleaning – Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to keeping your pool water clear and safe. We offer weekly and biweekly maintenance packages to ensure your pool stays in pristine shape.
  • Repairs – Our pool repair services include technical, heater, pump, and structural repairs, as well as leak detection.
  • Opening and Closing – When springtime weather emerges, we can perform opening services such as removing your pool cover, adding chemicals, starting your filter pump, and more. Then, at the end of the season, our team will return to winterize your pool.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Make your pool more energy-efficient with winter covers, automation systems, chlorine alternatives, and more.
  • Renovation and Construction – Our swimming pool contractors excel with new pool construction, saltwater pool system installation, and damaged PVC pipe removal.

Count on Us for Comprehensive Commercial Pool Services

In addition to residential offerings, Millennium Pools & Spas caters to the unique needs of commercial pool owners in Stafford and the surrounding areas. Our commercial pool services are designed to comply with health and safety regulations while maintaining an attractive and inviting pool area. Among our specialties are:

  • Maintenance and Preventative Care – Commercial pools require frequent maintenance due to high usage. We offer maintenance and preventative care contracts to address minor repairs and cleaning on a regular basis.
  • Repairs – Our team offers structural foundation repairs and stabilization solutions to ensure your commercial pool is at its best all summer.
  • New Commercial Construction – When you’re ready to install a commercial pool, you need Millennium Pools & Spas. We’ve proudly completed projects for the DC Department of Education, the Town of La Plata, and many more satisfied clients.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Our energy efficiency improvements include chemical control automation, chlorine alternative systems, and ADA compliance upgrades.
  • Pumps, Heaters, and Equipment – We can outfit your commercial pool or spa with high-quality pumps and the best heaters available.

Refresh Your Pool with Professional Renovations

Is your pool in need of a refresh? We offer comprehensive pool renovation services in Stafford, VA. Our team can transform your existing pool into a stunning retreat. With a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail, we’ll ensure your renovated pool exceeds your expectations and enhances your property’s overall value. Whether you’re updating an aging pool or creating a modern masterpiece, we’ll deliver exceptional results. Rely on us for renovations such as pool resurfacing, waterline tiling, LED lighting installation, and more.

Why You Should Choose Millennium Pools & Spas

There are many pool service providers in Stafford, VA, but Millennium Pools & Spas stands alone for our commitment to customer satisfaction and expertise. We’re dedicated to providing high-quality services tailored to each client’s specific needs. When you choose us, you can trust your pool is in capable hands. We prioritize safety, efficiency, and aesthetics to ensure your pool remains a constant source of enjoyment for years to come.

Contact Us in Stafford, VA Today

Are you ready to make a splash with residential or commercial pool services in Stafford, VA? There’s no better team to call than Millennium Pools & Spas. We’re ready to handle your routine maintenance, repairs, or renovation needs, so contact us today.

Request An Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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