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Residential & Commercial Swimming Pool Services

Millennium Pools & Spas delivers world-class swimming pool maintenance to homes and businesses across Richmond, VA. From ensuring pristine water quality to maintaining every component of your pool, our professional approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of residential and commercial spaces across the local Richmond area.

With dependable service and attention to detail, we help your pool shine. Whether you own a backyard escape or a commercial facility, we’re here to enhance your pool experience in Richmond. If you need swimming pool repair or ongoing care, trust our team at Millennium Pools & Spas to keep your pool beautiful, clean, and ready to enjoy.

Your Trusted Experts in Swimming Pool Services

Our team understands that every pool is different and requires specialized attention for maintenance, repairs, and upkeep. With years of expertise, we handle everything from ensuring sparkling clean water and keeping your systems running at peak performance to pool resurfacing and pool cover repair service. We deliver the services you need to protect your pool, enhance its safety, and maintain its inviting charm.

We know your pool is more than just a feature – it’s part of your investment. Our skilled experts proudly provide expert care to uphold its value and give you peace of mind. At Millennium Pools & Spas, we go above and beyond to ensure your pool is always in excellent condition so you can enjoy it without worry.

Residential Pool Services

Millennium Pools & Spas is here to meet the swimming pool needs of Richmond homeowners like you. Our extensive suite of residential pool services goes beyond the surface to keep your pool safe, clean, and looking great. With our reliability and expertise, your pool will get quality care that makes your time spent relaxing and entertaining truly worry-free. Our residential pool services include:

  • Weekly & Bi-weekly Pool Maintenance Packages
  • Seasonal Pool Opening & Closing Packages
  • Pool Repairs
  • Pool Renovations
  • Pool Inspections
  • Leak Detection
  • Pool Cleaning & Painting
  • Vinyl Liner Replacement
  • Pool Covers
  • And Much More

Commercial Pool Services

Our team of pool professionals supports businesses and organizations with comprehensive commercial pool care. We have an in-depth understanding of the unique demands of commercial pools and have decades of experience to ensure they are safe, fully functional, and visually appealing. Trust in our dependable service and renowned expertise to help maintain a welcoming environment for your guests and clients. Our commercial pool services include:

  • Leak Detection
  • Deck Repair & Upgrades
  • Tile Repair & Replacement
  • Pool Resurfacing
  • Pool & Spa Heating Repair
  • Fountain Pump Repair
  • Swimming Pool Filter Repair
  • Chemical Feeder Maintenance
  • Salt & Saline Systems
  • Commercial Pool Renovations
  • New Commercial Pool Construction
  • And So Much More

Upgrade Your Pool & Spa with Innovative Renovations

In addition to maintenance and repair, Millenium Pool Service can transform your commercial or residential pool with modern pool renovations that revive its function, style, and value. Add vibrant LED swimming pool lights for stunning illumination, or upgrade to a saltwater system for a gentler, low-maintenance experience. Give your pool a brand-new look with pool resurfacing, add unique personality with waterline tiling, or add a durable pool enclosure to keep your pool space protected.

Our renovations will elevate your pool’s appearance while boosting its usability and long-term sustainability. Whether refreshing finishes or integrating advanced features, our team specializes in creating customized solutions that align with your vision.

Choose Millennium Pools & Spas for Your Next Pool Project

As a member of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals, Millennium Pools & Spas is committed to delivering outstanding care for your pool. Our experienced team offers advanced solutions and efficient turnaround times to meet your unique spa and swimming pool needs. We pride ourselves on building long-lasting relationships with our clients, ensuring every project exceeds expectations and provides reliable results you can count on.

Since 2006, our hard work and passion have been trusted by countless clients, earning us an Honor Roll Rating on Angie’s List. Make your pool the centerpiece of your space and put your investment in trusted hands by partnering with Millennium Pools & Spas today.

Contact Us for a Free Residential or Commercial Pool Quote

Keep your pool in excellent condition with our full range of residential and commercial swimming pool services. From ongoing maintenance and cleaning to repair and renovations, our experts provide effective solutions to preserve your pool. When you need exceptional swimming pool service in Richmond, VA, contact us today to request a complimentary estimate and discover how we can help maintain your pool’s performance and longevity.

Request An Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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