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From Pool Repair to Pool Renovations and Maintenance

Swimming pools are meant to be amusing and not a hassle. However, diligent pool care requires maintaining a proper pH level and ensuring your pool is safe, clean, and free of debris and leaks. When it comes to swimming pool services in Loudoun County, VA, many home and business owners rely on Millennium Pools & Spas. Our pool company specializes in pool opening and closing services, as well as ongoing pool maintenance, repairs, and renovations to help you maximize the enjoyment and value of your swimming pool. You’ll never have to worry about purchasing pool chemicals or equipment again. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and let us do all the work. Be sure to ask about our stress-free weekly and bi-weekly pool maintenance packages today!

Why You Should Choose Millennium Pools & Spas Today

Since 2006, Millennium Pools & Spas has delivered unsurpassed swimming pool services in Loudoun County, VA. You can count on our over 35 years of combined expertise to ensure your pool looks and functions at its best for many years to come. We offer a comprehensive suite of professional pool services, including:

Residential Pool Services
  • Pool opening/closing
  • Pool maintenance
  • Pool renovations
  • Pool repairs
  • Pool inspections
  • Leak detection
  • Pool cleaning
  • Pool painting
  • Pool covers
  • Vinyl liner replacement
  • And more!
Commercial Pool Services
  • Pool construction
  • Pool maintenance
  • Pool repair
  • PVC pool liners
  • ADA-compliant stairs
  • And more!

We also encourage you to browse our frequently asked questions to learn more about the specifics of our swimming pool services in Loudoun County, VA and elsewhere in the Washington, D.C. area.

We Serve Many Loudoun County, VA Cities, and Neighborhoods

Located in Northern Virginia, Loudoun County can be found near the nation’s capital. Millennium Pools & Spas offers swimming pool services to many of the county’s prominent communities, including:

  • Ashburn, VA
  • Hamilton
  • Hillsboro
  • Lansdowne
  • Leesburg
  • Lovettsville
  • Middleburg
  • Purcellville
  • Round Hill
  • South Riding
  • Sterling
  • Stone Ridge

Enjoy Loudoun County Sites While We Handle Pool Maintenance

When you need pool maintenance or repair at your Loudoun County, VA home, you needn’t be kept from enjoying your summer while you wait for someone to complete the work. Often referred to as “D.C.’s Wine Country,” Loudoun County features many award-winning wineries, rolling countryside, and some of the nation’s most beautiful historic landmarks, including George C. Marshall’s Dodona Manor, Oatlands Historic House and Gardens, and White’s Ferry on the Potomac River. You won’t have to worry about a thing when you call Millenium Pools & Spas. We’ll handle all your pool care and maintenance needs while your family takes advantage of the sunshine or you escape to one of the region’s breweries.

Could You Use Pool Care at Your Loudoun County, VA Home?

If you could use commercial or residential pool services in Loudoun County, VA, don’t hesitate to contact Millennium Pools & Spas. Whether you need new pool construction or a minor pool repair, we have the in-depth knowledge and specialized equipment to get the job done to your satisfaction. That’s not just lip service, either. Read our reviews to see why we’ve earned a reputation for making pool maintenance a care-free experience year after year for many swimming pool owners in our region!