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Fredericksburg’s Finest Pool Services Specialist

When you need a partner to help maintain your commercial or residential pool in Fredericksburg, VA, Millennium Pools & Spas is the specialist to call. Our swimming pool contractors will ensure your pool is reliable, safe, and clean throughout the summer. We tailor our comprehensive services to meet customers’ unique needs. Our experts are equipped to handle any pool-related concerns, so rely on us for everything from routine maintenance to major renovations. We’ll keep your pool in pristine condition so that you can splash around with family and friends whenever you please.

We Offer Unrivaled Residential Pool Services

In Fredericksburg, homeowners take extreme pride in their properties. As such, keeping a backyard pool functional and beautiful is paramount. Millennium Pools & Spas provides personalized residential pool services to satisfy every client’s wishes. With us, you’re not just getting a service. You’re investing in peace of mind. Let us handle:

Saltwater Machine in Springfield, VA
  • Maintenance and Cleaning – We offer meticulous maintenance and cleaning services on weekly or biweekly schedules. Our team will skim debris, balance chemicals, and scrub pool tiles to make your swimming pool sparkle.
  • Repairs – Let us perform structural repairs, leak detection, swimming pool deck resurfacing, pump fixes, and more. Our skilled technicians can diagnose and address any issues quickly and effectively.
  • Opening and Closing – Begin and end the swimming season with Millennium Pools & Spas. We’ll treat your water, clean your pool, and remove or apply a pool cover as needed.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Take advantage of our energy efficiency upgrades to save money and lower your carbon footprint. Automation systems and other approaches can lower utility bills and improve your pool’s performance.
  • Renovation and Construction – Transform your pool into a stunning oasis with a high-quality renovation. We can add aesthetic and safety features to your home haven.

Our Team Installs, Repairs, and Maintains Commercial Pools

Property managers throughout Fredericksburg rely on Millennium Pools & Spas’ comprehensive commercial pool services. Our pool technicians are among the finest in the industry because they must complete thorough training programs and classes to stay current with today’s best practices. Commercial clients count on us for the following and more:

  • Maintenance and Preventative Care – Commercial pools require specialized care to ensure safety and compliance. Our maintenance services will achieve both goals while maximizing functionality and cleanliness.
  • Repairs – We provide timely and effective repairs to minimize disruptions to our clients’ operations. Our skilled contractors use state-of-the-art equipment to repair filters, replace tiles, and perform various other fixes.
  • New Commercial Construction – If you want to add a commercial pool to your property, you need our experience and expertise. From concept to completion, we manage every aspect of commercial pool construction, ensuring high-quality results.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Your commercial pool can likely benefit significantly from an energy-efficient upgrade. Examples include LED lighting, variable speed pumps, and UV disinfection systems. We’re excited to explain your options.
  • Pumps, Heaters, and Equipment – Keep your commercial pool running smoothly with specialized pumps, heaters, and equipment. We only use top-of-the-line products so that your pool can meet the demands of commercial use.

Renew Your Pool with Premier Renovations

Revitalize your pool with Millennium Pools & Spas’ renovation services in Fredericksburg. Whether you’re updating the look or functionality, our team delivers remarkable transformations. Pool renovations can enhance the aesthetics and value of your property, making them a worthwhile long-term investment. Choose from renovations including swimming pool deck resurfacing, tile replacement, paver installation, vinyl liner pool coping installation, and much more. Our design experts will work with you to achieve a look that matches your style and fits your budget.

Millennium Pools & Spas Can Handle All of Your Pool Needs

Choosing the right pool contractor is crucial for peace of mind. Millennium Pools & Spas stands out for our expertise, commitment to quality, and dedication to customer satisfaction. With decades of experience, we’ve become synonymous with excellence and reliability. From routine maintenance to new construction, we guarantee exceptional results for our residential and commercial clients.

Schedule a Consultation with Us in Fredericksburg, VA Today

When you’re ready to enhance your pool experience, the first call you should make is to Millennium Pools & Spas. We provide Fredericksburg’s outstanding residential and commercial pool services, and we’re eager to prove that to you. Our team wants to make your swimming pool the highlight of your property, so contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Request An Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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