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Residential & Commercial Swimming Pool Services

Keep your pool sparkling and ready for use with residential and commercial swimming pool services in Charlottesville, VA. Millennium Pools & Spas delivers professional swimming pool service for homeowners and businesses alike, ensuring every pool is maintained to the highest standard. From routine cleanings and maintenance to more complex solutions, our team is committed to keeping your pool in excellent condition. Whether enhancing the comfort of your home or elevating the experience for your customers, our reliable services are designed to exceed expectations. Trust Millennium Pools & Spas to provide industry-leading expertise for all your pool needs in the local Charlottesville area.

Salt and Saline System Installation in Maryland

Your Premier Swimming Pool Experts in Charlottesville

At Millennium Pools & Spas, we bring an expert approach and decades of experience to every pool we manage. As specialists in professional services like routine cleanings, equipment care, renovations, and resurfacing, we’ll ensure your pool stays in great condition. Whether managing a residential pool or a commercial facility, we focus on delivering reliable solutions and unparalleled results to meet your pool’s needs. Millennium Pools & Spas is your trusted partner for maintaining pristine, safe, and beautiful pools in Charlottesville. Experience unparalleled service and professional expertise you can count on every time.

Residential Swimming Pool Services

Millennium Pools & Spas provides dependable and professional care for your home swimming pool. Whether preparing for seasonal changes or addressing maintenance concerns, we’re here to help with a full lineup of pool services. With our ongoing care and attention to every detail, you can focus on making the most of your pool while we handle the rest, which includes residential pool services such as:

  • Weekly and Bi-Weekly Pool Maintenance Packages
  • Pool Opening and Closing Plans
  • Swimming Pool Inspections
  • Swimming Pool Equipment Repair
  • Leak Detection and Repair
  • Pool Cleaning and Resurfacing
  • Swimming Pool Vinyl Liner Repair and Replacement
  • Pool Renovations
  • Swimming Pool Covers
  • Additional Services to Meet Your Unique Needs

Commercial Pool Services

Our team ensures commercial facilities maintain safe, hygienic, and efficiently operated pools. With professional expertise and advanced tools, we deliver solutions that prioritize the cleanliness and functionality of your commercial pool. Count on us to provide exceptional service that keeps your facility meeting the highest standards for your patrons. We offer a comprehensive range of commercial pool services, including:

  • Routine Pool Maintenance
  • Meticulous Pool Cleaning
  • Pool Crack and Leak Repair
  • Pool Resurfacing
  • Tile Cleaning and Repair
  • Pool And Spa Heating System Repair
  • Fountain and Water Feature Maintenance
  • Pool Filter System Repair and Replacement
  • Chemical System Service and Monitoring
  • Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaner Systems
  • Swimming Pool Algae Cleaner Systems
  • Saltwater System Installation and Maintenance
  • Complete Commercial Pool Renovations
  • New Pool Design and Construction

Innovative Swimming Pool Renovation and Remodeling

Give your pool a fresh, beautiful new appearance with our premium renovation and remodeling services. Upgrade your pool area with sleek deck refinishing or modern pool resurfacing options to create a revitalized look. Add elegant features like cascading waterfalls or stylish LED pool lighting for a striking atmosphere. Improve the safety and efficiency of your pool area with custom enclosures or enhance functionality by updating outdated systems. Our experienced team specializes in transforming residential and commercial pools to reflect contemporary aesthetics and superior performance. Each improvement is designed to elevate the value and appeal of your home or facility, leaving you with a stunning, reliable pool that stands out for years to come.

Choose Millennium Pools & Spas for Your All Pool Needs

Trust our experts to provide world-class swimming pool services that combine skill, experience, and passion. With over three decades of proven expertise, we confidently address the unique needs of residential and commercial clients. Our team specializes in reliable repairs, efficient maintenance, and stunning renovations, ensuring every service enhances pool functionality, value, and appeal. Customer satisfaction remains our top priority, as we strive to exceed expectations through detailed craftsmanship and thorough attention to detail. Recognized for our quality and professionalism, we work to create pristine, safe, and visually striking pool spaces. Partner with us for trusted solutions that elevate the performance and usability of your pool.

Contact Us for Your Free Pool Service Estimate

Millennium Pools & Spas is here to meet your pool care needs with outstanding service and expertise. From maintenance and repairs to stunning renovations, we ensure your pool is functional, safe, and visually impressive. Reach out to us today to request a complimentary pool service estimate.

Request An Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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