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Local Pool Service in Springfield, VA


5558 Port Royal Rd
Springfield, VA 22151


Working Hours:
Mon-Sat: 07:00AM – 06:00PM
Sunday closed


Local Pool Service in Ijamsville, MD

3362 Urbana Pike Suite A
Ijamsville, MD 21754


Working Hours:
Mon-Sat: 07:00AM – 06:00PM
Sunday closed


Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

  • * If you do not receive an automated response confirming receipt of your form request within 15 minutes of submission, please contact our office directly at 703-939-5062.
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Superior Pool Services for Our Customers

Millennium Pools & Spas offers customers the best in superior-quality residential and commercial pool service. From residential pool maintenance and pool repair to commercial pool renovations and commercial pool construction, our experienced Springfield, VA, and Frederick, MD, teams are ready to tackle your next project—and to provide you with the complete, professional pool care and satisfaction you deserve.

We have specialized in pool maintenance, repair, and cleaning for more than 10 years. Our goal is to work with you to diagnose and repair your pool problems quickly and to ensure you have the services and solutions needed to enjoy a clean, beautiful pool for years to come.

Who Is Millennium Pools & Spas?

We bring more than 30 years of commercial and residential pool service experience to the pool service industry, and we have set ourselves apart as an area leader in everything from pool repair and pool renovations to leak detection, commercial pool builds, and more. In business since 2006, our qualified, industry-trained professionals have a reputation for getting the job done right—and for staying true to our commitment to 100% customer satisfaction on each new project.

No matter your unique project needs, our Springfield, VA, and Frederick, MD professionals have the knowledge, resources, and expertise to ensure your pool care experience is delivered up to and beyond your expectations.

Why Choose Millennium Pools & Spas?

For over a decade, we have been providing customers unparalleled residential and commercial pool services. Our dedication to delivering professional-quality pool care, maintenance, repair, and performance is without equal in the local pool industry and has earned us the reputation as one of the most trusted pool care teams in the field.

Whether it’s minor pool repairs or a major pool renovation, we work hard to be your first choice for quality pool services and care in the region.

Your Leading Swimming Pool Service Provider

We offer a wide range of pool services from both our newly renovated Springfield, VA, and our Frederick, MD, service locations. Our seasoned pool professionals provide great service to customers throughout Virginia, Maryland, and the Washington, D.C., area.

If you are in need of pool services in the Springfield, VA, or Frederick, MD, areas, contact our pool experts to schedule your appointment today by calling 703-939-5062.

For residential customers, we provide the following pool services and more:

For business customers, our two locations offer the following pool services and more:

Areas We Serve


  • Fairfax County
  • Hanover County
    • Ashland, VA
  • Powhatan County
  • Goochland County
  • Chesterfield County

Areas We Serve

