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Commercial Pool Deck Repair from Millennium Pools and Spas

If you are noticing cracks, stains, or broken tiles around your pool, it may be time to repair your pool deck. Swimming pool areas—commercial or residential—must be safe and clean, and having your pool deck in optimal shape is essential to this. Millennium Pools and Spas offers commercial pool deck repair that can include resurfacing, sealing, coatings, and much more.

Commercial Pool Deck Repair in Maryland

What Is Commercial Deck Repair?

When the area surrounding your pool starts to crack or dip, creating an unstable surface, it is time to renovate your pool deck. Maintaining your commercial facilities—such as hotels, gyms, and apartment complexes—is essential to maintaining your business’ high standards and keeping your valued customers happy. Repairing your pool deck might be the best option for you and your business. We can stabilize and repair the area, restoring safety to your pool area and value to your property.

What Causes Pool Deck Problems?

Your pool deck can be affected by shifting soils and varying moisture content in soils. Other contributing factors include:

  • Poor pool construction
  • Heavy concrete slabs
  • Sinkhole formations
  • Fluctuating weather patterns

Pool Deck Repair for Concrete Pool Deck

If you are wondering whether concrete pool deck is salvageable or not, chances are that it is. Millennium Pools and Spas can tackle anything from the simplest repair to a full restoration. Here are some of the most common pool deck problems and the techniques used to repair them:

  • Cracks – Repair options include filler, patch, and joint sealant
  • Spalling – Patch and overlay
  • Discoloration or stains – We use coloring agents, cleaners, and pressure washers
  • Sealer failure – Strip and reseal
  • Slippery concrete – Grit sealer added to the sealer to improve slip resistance
  • Settlement – We use slab jacking foam to raise it back into level

The Benefits of Commercial Pool Deck Resurfacing

When it comes to resurfacing your pool deck, there are many benefits. As an essential type of commercial pool deck repair, resurfacing your swimming pool helps it maintain its value and prolong its overall integrity. The benefits of pool deck resurfacing include:

  • Flexibility for Various Styles & Budgets– Certain types of resurfacing materials can be cost-effective, while others can be costly. The wide range of remodeling options cater to a multitude of needs, wants, and funds.
  • Cost-Efficient Refresh That Looks Expensive – If the surface of your pool is still mostly intact, most of your pool deck foundation and underlying structural material can be reused during resurfacing—a cheaper alternative to replacing the entire pool deck. Depending on the material you opt to use, you’ll be able to achieve your dream pool deck without having to break the bank. Our team can help you find the best material for your budget.
  • Helps Avoid Accidents – The premier pool deck resurfacing services we offer help to eliminate imperfections on your pavement, including broken parts, unflattering stains, fading color, and more. With a slip-resistant surface, your pool area will be much safer.
  • Improved Appearance – Natural elements can damage smooth concrete, littering it with flaws. Pool deck resurfacing can help make your pool deck appear brand-new by enhancing its color and improving its pre-existing design.
Commercial Pool Deck Repair Services in Maryland

Pool Deck Repair Using PolyLevel

When you are trying to fix uneven surfaces in your pool deck, the best thing to use is PolyLevel. This new way of leveling your pool deck will save you time, prevent a damaged garden, and allow you to avoid demolishing your current pool deck. PolyLevel can be injected beneath the settled pool deck. This will raise the concrete back to the correct level and will harden the soil to avoid this from happening again.

Why Choose Millennium Pools and Spas?

In addition to offering a wide range of residential pool services and commercial pool services throughout Frederick, MD, and Springfield, VA, Millennium Pools and Spas also offers renovation services. With over 30 years of industry experience, you can rely on our professional team to get the job done right the first time. We have a well-qualified, industry-trained staff to provide our valued customers with nothing less than the best customer service. Our commitment is to complete customer satisfaction with all of the work that we perform. Our service is specifically tailored to match the unique needs and goals of each of our customers.

Contact Us Today for Your Pool Deck Restoration

Whether you are looking to stabilize your pool deck or completely restore it, Millennium Pools and Spas has the solution for you. With over 30 years of experience and the latest technology, we know you will be satisfied with our resurface or repair. To learn more about our services, contact our team today.

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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