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Making Swimming Pool Maintenance Easy

The team at Millennium Pool & Spas is proud to be the local Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. water feature service and repair experts. We work with businesses and commercial customers of all types, providing ongoing pool maintenance services. Whether you’re a hotel with a busy outdoor pool during the summer or you have a courtyard fountain serving as a beautiful centerpiece to your professional building, we want to help you maintain their function and beauty. We offer pool care services to ensure you get regular care, so your pool, spa, or water feature remains beautiful and functional. We are happy to provide maintenance and preventative care contracts to streamline the process. Learn more about our swimming pool maintenance contracts and contact us today for an estimate.

Professional Pool Services in Springfield

Professional Services for Your Water Features

Our commercial customers benefit from our expertise and swimming pool services. We offer a wide variety of maintenance and preventative services for pools, spas, water features, and more. Our services include leak detection, repair, and more to ensure your business doesn’t suffer from a faulty fountain or leaking swimming pool. Reach out to us to learn more about the following services:

Pool, Spa, & Fountain Repairs

Our team has a diverse skill set for addressing problems with various water features at all types of businesses. We perform expert repairs for pools, spas, and fountains to keep them running and looking their best. If you own or operate a busy hotel or resort, you can’t afford to have your pool or spa out of commission. Our team will ensure your pool, spa, or fountain is up and running effectively, so your guests and customers are always happy while enjoying them.

Deck Repair

Our trained experts can handle a variety of issues with decks, including pool leaks and accidental damage. We address problems with the structure’s stability, appearance, and durability to ensure that it’s safe and beautiful to walk on and enjoy. Guests at hotels and resorts enjoy spending time at the pool deck. Our team can repair cracks and other, more significant issues.

Spray Park / Splash Pad Service & Repair

Children love visiting any place that offers the fun and cooling relief of a spray park or splash pad during the hot summer months in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, D.C. Those splash pads and spray parks consist of many components that work together, so you need professional care to keep everything functioning at its best.

Leak Detection & Repair

A leak in your commercial swimming pool will gradually cost you money while causing damage to your deck and property. Allow our team to thoroughly examine your pool to find any leaks and promptly repair them. Business owners and operators are busy focusing on many aspects of their company. They may not even realize that their pool or spa has a slow leak. Our team can detect those leaks and repair them to save you money before the problem becomes more significant.

Fountain Service & Repair

Your commercial site may have a beautiful fountain feature near the entrance or in the courtyard. This makes visiting more enjoyable for guests and can increase employee satisfaction. However, these fountains can breakdown or have other problems. Our team performs the service and repairs to maintain it and restore its function to keep it up and running at all times.

UV Disinfection Service

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is a highly effective method of shocking the pool water and eliminating harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. We encourage your business to take advantage of our expertise in this sanitary technology for your business.

Swimming Pool Maintenance Contracts

Businesses have a lot of expenses and responsibilities. If your company has a pool, spa, or water feature, don’t allow it to become a hassle. Let our team of professionals provide ongoing maintenance services to keep your aquatic features beautiful and functional. We can customize a maintenance package for you based on the size and number of pools on your property, how often you need service, and more. Our team members will come to your business in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, D.C.

Maintain Your Company’s Aquatic Features

Millennium Pools & Spas is on the job to ensure your pool, spa, fountain, and other water features stay fully functional to attract customers and guests. During the summer, the calming tinkle and cool feel of water can help you fill your rooms or sustain a beautiful commercial property. Contact us today to learn more or get your free estimate.

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional, and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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