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Swimming Pool Frequently Asked Questions

Millennium Pools & Spas Answers Pool Questions

Serving customers in the Frederick, MD, and Springfield, VA areas for over 35 years, Millennium Pools & Spas has a stellar reputation for providing excellent customer service. Every customer gets a dedicated representative for the duration of their project. Having your own project manager ensures that all of your questions and concerns are addressed as quickly as possible. Below, you’ll find the answers to some of the questions about swimming pools that we get often asked. For more information about our pool repair, maintenance, or construction services, please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email to speak with a friendly, knowledgeable Millennium Pools & Spas representative today.

Where are you located?

Millennium Pools & Spas has two convenient locations to serve your residential and commercial swimming pool needs in Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA. While customers can’t visit our Maryland office in person, our Virginia location has been renovated into a showroom that customers may visit to view our vast selection of products, including pool covers, liners, and more.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, Millennium Pools & Spas is licensed and insured for your peace of mind. We maintain $5 million umbrella insurance coverage, and we’re licensed in all jurisdictions of our service area with all the federal, state, and local registrations necessary to perform work.

Why do I need a weekly or bi-weekly pool cleaning service?

There’s a lot more to swimming pool upkeep than just maintaining the pH balance of your water. Having a professional pool cleaning service completed weekly or bi-weekly ensures your pool is kept clean and that everything’s operating as it should be without any damages or leaks. As part of our weekly and bi-weekly pool cleaning services, we’ll vacuum your pool, clean the filters, balance your water’s chemicals, and blow debris from the deck area. Cleaning visits typically take about an hour, and we usually include your pool’s opening and closing in our maintenance packages.

Why is my pool green?

If your pool is green instead of a sparkling blue, it means algae growth has taken over because your chlorine levels have dropped. Rely on us to “shock” your pool, adjusting your pool’s chemicals back to where they need to be to keep your family safe!

What type of water filtration system do you recommend?

Selecting the right water filtration system (pool filter) is essential because it will dictate how effectively it filters out bacteria, algae, and debris from your swimming pool. Pool filters vary in size and type, and there is no “one size fits all” solution. Millennium Pools & Spas would be happy to recommend the right kind of water filtration system for your specific needs. Please contact our service department for expert recommendations!

How much does a pool remodel cost?

It’s hard to say how much your pool remodeling project will cost without knowing the specifics of your pool renovation plans. Obviously, the more complex and involved the pool renovation is, the more expensive it will be. However, you can count on Millennium Pools & Spas to keep your remodeling costs as low as possible. Call us to discuss your vision!

How long will a pool remodel take?

The amount of time to expect for a pool remodel will vary depending on the scope of your project. A simple facelift, such as refinishing your pool’s interior with plaster or tile, can take a few days, while major pool renovations can take weeks or even months depending on how much digging and new construction is required. Contact us to discuss a timetable with our experienced pool contractors.

What should I look for in a pool remodeling company?

There are many pool companies in our area but not a lot that specializes in pool remodeling. To save time and money on your pool renovation project, you’ll want to limit your search to contractors who either specialize in or have experience with pool remodeling. Be sure to ask for references and referrals and check online reviews. You’ll also want to find out if they have a warranty. Millennium Pools & Spas has over 35 years of experience and is a warranty provider for all major manufacturers. You can rest assured we’ll use our expertise to provide you with results that meet or exceed your expectations.

What’s included in your pool opening service?

Our pool opening services in Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA include:

  • Removal and storage of pool cover
  • Water testing and adding pool chemicals
  • Removal of winterizing plugs
  • Visual inspection of pump, filter, and heater
  • Starting the filter pump
  • Checking the water circulation/flow
  • Cleaning/vacuuming the pool
  • Installing ladders, handrails, and diving board
What’s included in your pool closing service?

Our pool closing services in Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA include:

  • Water testing and adding pool chemicals
  • Installation of winterizing plugs
  • Adjustment of the water level
  • Blowing out the lines
  • Removal of the skimmer baskets, cleaners, and wall fittings
  • Draining all pumping, filtering, heating, and chlorinating equipment
  • Storage of ladders, handrails, and diving board
  • Covering the pool
What are my options for pool covers?

Millennium Pools & Spas offers both mesh and solid safety pool covers to provide superior protection for your pool. Mesh pool covers are lightweight but offer protection from tears and algae growth. Solid safety pool covers offer a complete barrier against water, dirt, dust, and sunlight.

What’s included in your pool inspection?

Our pool inspections include examining your pool’s filters, tile, coping, deck, structure, plaster, and any additional pool equipment you may have. We’ll provide you with a full written report evaluating the condition of every part.

What should I do if I’m concerned my pool is leaking?

If you suspect your pool is leaking due to dropping water levels or rapid algae growth, call Millennium Pools & Spas right away. Our leak and technical repair specialists offer pool leak detection and pool repair services in the Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA areas, as well as Washington, D.C. We use sonar listening devices, dive dye tests, pressure testing, and static tests for comprehensive leak detection.

What are my options for a pool liner?

Millennium Pools & Spas specializes in the installation of PVC pool liners, which can be installed on top of any existing pool finish with minimal preparation. PVC pool liners are flexible – they can be installed in virtually any shape or size, allowing you to incorporate steps, bays, or safety ledges into your design. We also offer over 20 elegant designer patterns of Loop-Loc liners that use the highest quality vinyl material to resist punctures, algae, mold, and mildew.

What do you do when you paint a pool?

If your pool could use a makeover with a fresh coat of paint, Millennium Pools & Spas would be happy to oblige. First, we’ll drain and clean your pool area. Next, we’ll scrape off your old paint. Depending on your pool’s condition, we may suggest sandblasting the surface. We’ll chip away any soft or loose areas of paint and fill them in with cement. Our team will also caulk any noticeable cracks for sealed protection. Once the surface has been prepped for paint, we’ll use an electric mixer to mix the paint. We paint your pool using a roller. After three days, your pool should be ready to refill with water.

What are my options for decking around my pool?

Millennium Pools & Spas specializes in several decking options for your pool, including:

  • Decorative stamped concrete
  • Broom finish concrete
  • Interlocking Pavers
Can I choose what’s used for my pool interior during a pool remodel?

Yes. Millennium Pools & Spas offers our customers several choices for their pool interior, including quartz and pebble finishes, tile, pool brick, precast concrete, flagstone, cut stone, rock, EP Henry pavers, and our most popular plaster, so you can fully customize your pool’s interior during the next remodel.

What are the benefits of plaster as my pool surface covering?

While we offer many pool interior options, we recommend plaster because of its time-tested history. For over 50 years, plaster has been the preferred swimming pool surface coating because it’s long-lasting and durable. It’s easy to remove or sand off stains from plaster, and it comes in a variety of colors to give your pool whatever look you desire. Plaster is also an economical choice, often costing less to install than some of your other available options. Please contact us for a free estimate!

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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