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Did a pool inspection when looking to buy a house. The inspector was amazing. Honest, expert. Answered all my questions. Gave both facts and opinions.


I talked with Kirk Lavery the GM and he showed sincerity while following up. Was able to pin point the problem and correct it. I really appreciate him reaching out and just being super ethical overall.


Mohamed Tarawneh

Our experience with Millennium Pools & Spas has been the BEST ever. We were left pretty high and dry by our previous pool service – so we started looking for service the week of Memorial Day – which is considered very late in the season. Several companies could not even accommodate our request. But Millennium Pools & Spas came through. They came right away, assessed what needed to be done, scheduled their crews, followed through with most excellent work on the repair and refurbishment of our pool. Their staff is responsive, on time and pro-active in helping us figure out what needs to be done. Their work product is thorough. It has been a total pleasure working with them and their terrific staff.

Barbara York

Millennium Pools & Spas did a fantastic job repairing and opening and cleaning my pool. Had about an 8 ft section in shallow end with really bad damage from ice. I also went with a updated tile and brick border which look awesome. My pool has never looked this good. The whole team was so easy to talk to and work with. They were done with the job before another pool company even mailed me a estimate.
Millennium Pools & Spas is the best. Thanks

womack justin

We've had my pool for 10 years and have a problem with my "pool liner" floating. I contact Kenny at Millennium Pools & Spas' in March and he told me he had a solution. He was correct!!! I now have a beautiful new liner that doesn't float. Thank you Kenny and Eric for the great job on my pool. I appreciate you making sure we were happy and answering all our questions. We are extremely satisfied and highly recommend your pool service!

judy sininsky

I can't say enough good things about the job Finn and James just did to clean our pool! From the minute they drove up, they were professional and friendly throughout the entire job. Our pool had been closed and not cared for for several years and we were very nervous about opening it up, but after a couple hrs Finn made it look amazing! Far exceeded our expectations!!!!

If you need anything pool related, do yourself a favor and go with these won't be disappointed!

Teddy Gedamu

Millennium Pools & Spas did an excellent job for us to refinish our existing in ground outdoor pool and added a beautiful waterfall that we can sit under or behind. They also added an App that allows us to control all the pool equipment including the spa, heater and a pool light that has infinite colors. There work was top quality. We eventually converted it to an indoor all year pool and enjoy it every day. Kirk is great. Danny is fabulous. They have a great team that are always there for us to address any issues.

Munish Mehra

Millennium Pools & Spas provides consistent, professional service. Yani is fantastic working all the behind scenes to ensure smooth operations. Evgeni has always, always serviced our pool with professionalism ensuring it is clean and safe to swim. Very honest - always tells us what we need but never tries to 'up-sell' us what we do not need - which I deeply appreciate.

Donna Chandler

I have been using Millenium Pool Service for the past 4 years and they do a great job. Recently they hired a new GM and he's respectful, responsive and is willing to work with you to make sure everyone is taken care of on both sides of the table. Pools can be a lot of maintenance and the unexpected can happen sometimes, so knowing that Kirk (GM) will work with you goes a long way.

Bryan Trainor

I contracted with Millennium Pools & Spas to resurface my pool, add waterline tile, install a new salt system, and make various other pool-related modifications. The price was more than competitive and several discounts were applied. The company arrived when they said they would and performed the work in a professional manner in accordance with my expectations. The project manager was a true professional and was very attentive and customer-service oriented to the maximum. The follow-up on requests and services was exceptional. A truly professional company.

Larry Crivello

Converted our old outdated pool to a modern and safe paradise. They also maintain our pool year round to make sure our pool is opened and closed properly. Highly recommend

Mary Lavery

The only pool company with which I have consulted that shows real expertise. Hank, the owner, really knows his stuff - saved me thousands of dollars after another company told me I needed a new filter (only 5 years old), and new lines - NOT!! Dimitar, who cleaned my pool when I thought it was unsalvageable, did a miraculous job. Prices are reasonable. Never use any other company!

Pam Thompson

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