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Residential & Commercial Pool Cleaning in Frederick, MD

A swimming pool may seem like a relatively simple feature, but a lot of maintenance and cleaning goes into keeping it enjoyable. Millennium Pools & Spas offers pool cleaning services in Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA. Many of our customers have questions about how we can help them keep their pool clean. We’ve put together the answers to some of the questions we frequently receive about swimming pool cleaning for your home or business. Feel free to browse through them and contact us if there are any questions that we didn’t get to. We would be happy to speak with you and give you an estimate for pool cleaning services in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

Do I Need Cleaning & Maintenance When My Pool Stays Clean?

Many pools appear to stay clean, but you may not know what is lurking below the surface. Swimming pools see their chlorine levels reduced quickly, especially during warmer weather with more swimmers. Regular pool cleaning and maintenance are essential if you want your pool to last the whole swimming season. Routine cleaning and maintenance include brushing and vacuuming the pool to keep algae at bay. Just because your pool looks clear does not necessarily mean that it’s clean and fit for swimming. Our team provides weekly and biweekly maintenance so you can be sure that your pool is ready for your family or customers all summer.

Why Is My Pool Green?

There are many reasons why your swimming pool water may have a green appearance to it. Some of these reasons include algae growth from phosphates or having metals in the water. Algae has the ability to grow rapidly, especially during the warm summer months. When it happens quickly, it’s likely due to an imbalance or a lack of chlorine in your pool water. Chlorine serves as a sanitizer, and if you let the chlorine levels drop for even one day, an algae outbreak can occur. Be sure to check your pool’s chlorine level often or have our professional team members do it for you.

Why Does My Pool Need to be Chemically Balanced?

It’s essential to keep your pool chemically balanced if you want to enjoy it for the entire swim season. Keeping the water chemically balanced will impact the operation of your pool as well as the condition of your equipment. Balanced water protects the pool surface and equipment while providing a comfortable swimming environment. Here’s what not keeping your pool water chemically balanced can do:

  • High pH – A high pH level results in scaling water. That water clogs filters and heater elements. It also reduces circulation, results in cloudy water, and creates metal staining. A high pH level creates chlorine inefficiency and can lead to eye and skin irritation.
  • Low pH – A low pH level in your pool results in corrosive water. This type of water causes etching of the pool or spa surface, corrosion of metals, and staining or surface walls. Low pH levels can cause wrinkles in vinyl liners and eye and skin irritation.
  • High Alkalinity – Water with high alkalinity creates pH lock, resulting in cloudy water, clogged filters and heater elements, rough pool and spa surfaces, and reduced circulation.
  • Low Alkalinity – Pool water with low alkalinity creates pH bounce, resulting in the staining or surface walls, etching of pool and spa surfaces, and heater failure.
  • High Calcium Hardness – Pools with high calcium hardness lead to scaling water. This causes clogged filters and heater elements, cloudy water, reduced circulation, and eye and skin irritation.
  • Low Calcium Hardness – A swimming pool with low calcium hardness creates corrosive water. This results in heater failure and the etching of pool or spa surfaces. Low calcium hardness causes water to become aggressive and seek calcium from other sources such as the surfaces of your pool or spa.
  • High Cyanuric Acid – A pool with high cyanuric acid levels creates cloudy water and affects alkalinity readings.
  • Low Cyanuric Acid – Pools with low cyanuric acid cannot maintain a sanitizer effectively.

Why Did Chlorine Turn My Hair Green?

Chlorine should not turn your hair green or bleach your bathing suit. Each state has guidelines regarding chlorine levels. Residential swimming pools should have a chlorine level between 1.0 and 4.0 ppm. Chlorine will not start bleaching your bathing suit until the levels reach 30 to 40 ppm. Chlorine does not turn hair green. If someone has green hair after swimming, it means the minerals in the pool are being deposited into their hair.

What Does it Mean to Shock a Pool?

The word shock can be used as a noun or a verb when it comes to swimming pools. Buying shock describes a sanitizer to clean the pool. Shocking a pool means raising the sanitizer level to 10 ppm. If you do this yourself, be sure you follow all chemical precautions, including wearing personal protective equipment like gloves, goggles, and chemical masks. The best course of action is to leave the pool cleaning and sanitizing tasks to the expert team at Millennium Pools & Spas.

What Causes Algae in a Swimming Pool?

Algae requires nutrients, sunlight, and somewhere to grow. The best way to prevent algae from growing in your swimming pool is by maintaining the proper sanitizer level and brushing. Algae needs to have a surface to cling onto and grow on, so brushing it will prevent it from hiding in crevices. Green algae is common in pools and most frequently occurs after a few days of high heat in the summertime. Black algae can show up in areas with poor circulation, such as deep end corners, step corners, or behind ladders. Yellow algae is resistant to chlorine, so be sure to call in our team of experts for assistance. Algae can be transferred from pool to pool, so be sure to wash your bathing suit after you take a vacation or swim somewhere besides your home pool.

How Long Do We Have to Wait to Swim After Chemicals Are Added?

It’s generally safe to use your swimming pool after the chemicals have dispersed throughout it. Industry standards recommend waiting about six to eight hours for commercial pools and eight to 12 hours for residential swimming pools. Chemical adjustments are typically performed at night so as not to disrupt the swimming pool availability.

What Pool Services Do You Offer?

Millennium Pools & Spas offers all the pool services your home or commercial property might need, including pool filter cleaning, pool tile cleaning, and more. We’re here to help with your pool cleaning robot, pool cleaning supplies, pool cleaning equipment, pool chemicals, pool cleaning tools, pool scum, pool stains, and so much more. We proudly offer residential pool maintenance and cleaning packages so you can enjoy your pool without having to worry about upkeep. Our pool professionals can visit your home weekly or biweekly to ensure it stays clean and safe for your family all summer. We also offer pool open and close packages, energy-efficient upgrades, and renovation and construction. Our commercial pool services include maintenance and preventative care contracts, new commercial construction, energy-efficient upgrades, variable speed pumps, heaters and equipment, and a lot more. We also perform pool renovations, resurfacing, and demolitions.

Why Should I Choose Millennium Pools & Spas?

The team at Millennium Pools & Spas has more than 30 years of experience in the industry. Our company was established in 2006 with the goal of creating a company that provided a comprehensive range of services for both residential and commercial customers. We are proud to offer a well-qualified staff team that is industry-trained, a commitment to 100% customer satisfaction with all of the work that we perform, and services that are specifically tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client. We also offer the following warranties:

  • Standard Warranty – We warranty our workmanship for a period of one year from the date of install.
  • Leak Detection & Repair Warranty – We warranty the repairs that we make and the new fittings that we install.
  • Water Damage – We are not responsible for water damage when pool or fountain pool systems are placed indoors, in vaults, or above space that can be damaged by water leaks.
  • Construction Warranty – We warranty our workmanship for a period of one year from the date of install.
  • Liner Warranty – We warranty our workmanship for a period of one year from the date of install.
  • Pool Paint Warranty – Paint applied to sandblasted gunite shell comes with a one-year warranty and we warranty our workmanship for a period of one year from the date of install.

What Areas Do You Service?

Our team is proud to offer local pool service to many areas throughout the Beltway region. We can visit your home or business in Springfield, VA, Ijamsville, MD, Frederick MD, Fairfax County, VA, Loudoun County, VA, Montgomery County, VA, Frederick, MD, and Manassas, VA. We’re proud to help home and business owners throughout Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. keep their pools clean and safe. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any more questions about pool cleaning or our other pool services. Contact us today to schedule service or request an estimate.

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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