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Now Hiring Pool Technicians

Millennium Pool Service is a growing local company seeking a technician in:

  • Frederick/Northern Montgomery County,
  • Washington, DC/ Northern Virginia

We specialize in opening, maintenance, repairs, and winterizations of both residential and commercial swimming pools.

Job Responsibilities
  • A technician is responsible for general maintenance, cleanliness, and safety of swimming pools.
  • Experience with servicing swimming pools and equipment is required for this position.
  • Specific duties will include balancing pool chemistry, vacuuming, brushing, routine cleaning and service of pool equipment, including some minor repairs if necessary.
  • On-the-job training will be provided before being sent out independently in a company vehicle.
Technician’s Requirements
  • A valid Maryland, Virginia, or DC Driver’s License with a good driving record and a clean background check
  • Transportation to and from work
  • Maintain a professional appearance, be helpful and courteous to customers and other employees
  • Possess prior swimming pool experience
  • Show the ability and willingness to learn, perform clean work, and act in a professional and organized manner
  • Be in overall good health and able to carry up to 80 lbs. Walking, bending, and lifting are required.
  • Ability to work overtime weekdays and half-day Saturdays seasonally.
  • Desire to grow within a quickly expanding company
  • Most importantly, possess a positive attitude and strong work ethic (we cannot teach this!)
Compensation and Benefits
  • This is a full time, hourly position for the pool season (ending in November).
  • As a quickly expanding company, we are willing and happy to provide the necessary training and resources to those who demonstrate the willingness and ability to step into a year-round position.
  • Compensation is competitive and will vary based on previous experience and actual performance.
  • Overtime may be available during the peak season.
  • Healthcare benefits are available.

Apply Now

To inquire about the open position, please submit the form below

  • * If you do not receive an automated response confirming receipt of your form request within 15 minutes of submission, please contact our office directly at 703-939-5062.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.