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Over time, pools accumulate debris, stains, and chemical buildup that regular maintenance can’t always fix. Millennium Pool Service offers expert pool draining services and deep cleaning to restore your pool’s appearance and improve water quality. Whether you’re dealing with algae buildup, stubborn stains, or excess chemical residue, our team provides the professional care needed to bring your pool back to life.

When Does Your Pool Need Draining & Deep Cleaning?

Draining and cleaning your pool isn’t something you need to do every season, but specific issues require a full reset. Signs that your pool may need professional draining and deep cleaning include:

  • Severe Algae Growth – If algae have taken over, simply shocking the pool may not be enough. A complete drain and cleaning removes stubborn algae and prevents regrowth.
  • Excess Chemical Buildup – Over time, high levels of chlorine, calcium, and other chemicals can make water unbalanced. Draining the pool and starting fresh helps restore proper water chemistry.
  • Stubborn Stains & Scaling – Hard water can cause calcium buildup on pool walls, and organic stains can become embedded in surfaces. Pool stain removal requires professional treatment.
  • Murky, Cloudy Water – If water remains cloudy despite proper filtration and treatment, it may be time for a reset.
  • Debris & Contaminant Accumulation – Leaves, dirt, and other debris can settle at the bottom, making standard pool vacuuming ineffective.

Man cleaning swimming pool with suction hose in VA & MD

Our Pool Draining & Deep Cleaning Process

Our experienced technicians follow a thorough process to bring your pool back to its best condition:

Safe & Controlled Pool Draining

  • We carefully drain the pool using high-powered pumps to remove water efficiently without damaging surfaces.
  • For above-ground pools, we follow a specialized approach to prevent structural damage.

Comprehensive Pool Deep Cleaning

  • Algae removal and deep scrubbing of pool surfaces
  • Power washing and brushing to eliminate stains, calcium buildup, and grime
  • Pool vacuuming to remove settled debris

Filter & Equipment Cleaning

  • Deep cleaning of pool filters to restore efficiency
  • Inspection and cleaning of pumps, skimmers, and drains

Refilling & Water Balancing

  • Once cleaned, we refill your pool with fresh water.
  • We add necessary pool startup chemicals to balance pH and sanitizer levels.
  • Final inspection to ensure the pool is ready for safe use

Why Choose Millennium Pool Service?

With decades of experience, our team at Millennium Pool Service is committed to providing top-tier pool draining and cleaning services. Our professionals assess and address structural concerns, and we offer stormwater and drainage solutions to prevent future water issues.

We proudly serve Richmond, VA, and Maryland, including Frederick, Springfield, Stafford, and Washington, DC. As a member of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals and an Angie’s List Honor Roll Rated company, we prioritize quality and customer satisfaction.

Schedule Your Pool Draining & Cleaning Today

If your pool shows signs of heavy buildup, stains, or algae growth, it may be time for a professional deep clean. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get your pool looking and functioning like new.

Request an Estimate Today