How We Detect Pool Leaks
When there’s a leak in your swimming pool, it’s critical to get it fixed as soon as possible. Unfortunately, finding pool leaks can be a challenge—if you don’t have the experience and tools necessary for the job. At Millennium Pool Service, we have extensive experience finding leaks, even elusive ones, in both residential and commercial swimming pools. We use a wide array of different techniques to locate leaks in swimming pools, including sonar technology, dye tests, and static tests. For plumbing line leaks, we use pressure testing to find the source of the leak. After finding the leak, we will repair it using whatever method is most appropriate—from a simple patch to a pipeline replacement. With our experienced technicians, proven methods, and state-of-the-art equipment, you can always count on getting top-notch service from us. If you’re in need of a professional pool service near Frederick, contact our team today.